Maurice G. C. Bosman, Albert Molderink, Vincent Bakker, Gerard Smit, Johann L. Hurink
This paper focuses on the planning of electricity resources in the developing electricity infrastructure. First we model the existing infrastructure and extend this model to a smart grid infrastructure, where we focus on the large scale introduction of small electricity generators, leading to generation possibilities at both ends of the electricity network. Then the traditional Unit Commitment Problem (UCP) is given. We extend this formulation to the Multilevel Unit Commitment Problem (MUCP), where we describe and include the possibilities that arise in the developing smart grid, in a general way. Based on the characteristics of the problem with its subdivision into different levels, a planning method for the MUCP is described. Finally we solve and analyze a scenario, where a fleet of 5000 houses is added to a small collection of power plants.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
G. C. Bosman M., Molderink A., Bakker V., Smit G. and L. Hurink J. (2012). MULTILEVEL UNIT COMMITMENT IN SMART GRIDS . In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems - Volume 1: ICORES, ISBN 978-989-8425-97-3, pages 361-370. DOI: 10.5220/0003716903610370
in Bibtex Style
author={Maurice G. C. Bosman and Albert Molderink and Vincent Bakker and Gerard Smit and Johann L. Hurink},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems - Volume 1: ICORES,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems - Volume 1: ICORES,
SN - 978-989-8425-97-3
AU - G. C. Bosman M.
AU - Molderink A.
AU - Bakker V.
AU - Smit G.
AU - L. Hurink J.
PY - 2012
SP - 361
EP - 370
DO - 10.5220/0003716903610370