Nikolay V. Manyakov, Nikolay Chumerin, Adrien Combaz, Arne Robben, Marijn van Vliet, Marc M. Van Hulle



In this position paper, we investigate whether a parallel factor analysis (Parafac) decomposition is beneficial to the decoding of steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP) present in electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings taken from the subject’s scalp. In particular, we develop an automatic algorithm aimed at detecting the stimulation frequency after Parafac decomposition. The results are validated on recordings made from 54 subjects using consumer-grade EEG hardware (Emotiv’s EPOC headset) in a real-world environment. The detection of one frequency among 12, 4 and 2 possible was considered to assess the feasibility for Brain Computer Interfacing (BCI). We determined the frequencies subsets, among all subjects, that maximize the detection rate.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

V. Manyakov N., Chumerin N., Combaz A., Robben A., van Vliet M. and M. Van Hulle M. (2012). DECODING SSVEP RESPONSES BASED ON PARAFAC DECOMPOSITION . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing - Volume 1: BIOSIGNALS, (BIOSTEC 2012) ISBN 978-989-8425-89-8, pages 443-447. DOI: 10.5220/0003853604430447

in Bibtex Style

author={Nikolay V. Manyakov and Nikolay Chumerin and Adrien Combaz and Arne Robben and Marijn van Vliet and Marc M. Van Hulle},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing - Volume 1: BIOSIGNALS, (BIOSTEC 2012)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing - Volume 1: BIOSIGNALS, (BIOSTEC 2012)
SN - 978-989-8425-89-8
AU - V. Manyakov N.
AU - Chumerin N.
AU - Combaz A.
AU - Robben A.
AU - van Vliet M.
AU - M. Van Hulle M.
PY - 2012
SP - 443
EP - 447
DO - 10.5220/0003853604430447