Budget Extension Schemes for Nx10 Gbit/s DPSK-based TDM/WDM PON

A. Emsia, Q. T. Le, T. von Lerber, D. Briggmann, F. Kueppers



We present a new TDM/WDM PON scheme utilizing PSK (phase shift-keying) at 10 Gbit/s per l-channel as the modulation format along the feeder line and an SOA (semiconductor optical amplifier) as the amplifying component at the remote node. One single DLI (Delay Line Interferometer) converts all l-channels from PSK to OOK (on-off keying), the modulation format which is used along the access line and one single SOA are experimentally demonstrated to be sufficient providing a power budget increase of up to 46.8 dB.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Emsia A., T. Le Q., von Lerber T., Briggmann D. and Kueppers F. (2012). Budget Extension Schemes for Nx10 Gbit/s DPSK-based TDM/WDM PON . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, e-Business and Optical Communication Systems - Volume 1: OPTICS, (ICETE 2012) ISBN 978-989-8565-23-5, pages 373-377. DOI: 10.5220/0004057603730377

in Bibtex Style

author={A. Emsia and Q. T. Le and T. von Lerber and D. Briggmann and F. Kueppers},
title={Budget Extension Schemes for Nx10 Gbit/s DPSK-based TDM/WDM PON},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, e-Business and Optical Communication Systems - Volume 1: OPTICS, (ICETE 2012)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, e-Business and Optical Communication Systems - Volume 1: OPTICS, (ICETE 2012)
TI - Budget Extension Schemes for Nx10 Gbit/s DPSK-based TDM/WDM PON
SN - 978-989-8565-23-5
AU - Emsia A.
AU - T. Le Q.
AU - von Lerber T.
AU - Briggmann D.
AU - Kueppers F.
PY - 2012
SP - 373
EP - 377
DO - 10.5220/0004057603730377