A Data-Centric Approach for Networking Applications

Ahmad Ahmad-Kassem, Christophe Bobineau, Christine Collet, Etienne Dublé, Stéphane Grumbach, Fuda Ma, Lourdes Martinez, Stéphane Ubéda



The paper introduces our vision for rapid prototyping of heterogeneous and distributed applications. It abstracts a network as a large distributed database providing a unified view of "objects" handled in networks and applications. The applications interact through declarative queries including declarative networking programs (e.g. routing) and/or specific data-oriented distributed algorithms (e.g. distributed join). Case-Based Reasoning is used for optimization of distributed queries by learning when there is no prior knowledge on queried data sources and no related metadata such as data statistics.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Ahmad-Kassem A., Bobineau C., Collet C., Dublé E., Grumbach S., Ma F., Martinez L. and Ubéda S. (2012). A Data-Centric Approach for Networking Applications . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications - Volume 1: DATA, ISBN 978-989-8565-18-1, pages 147-152. DOI: 10.5220/0004111301470152

in Bibtex Style

author={Ahmad Ahmad-Kassem and Christophe Bobineau and Christine Collet and Etienne Dublé and Stéphane Grumbach and Fuda Ma and Lourdes Martinez and Stéphane Ubéda},
title={A Data-Centric Approach for Networking Applications},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications - Volume 1: DATA,},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications - Volume 1: DATA,
TI - A Data-Centric Approach for Networking Applications
SN - 978-989-8565-18-1
AU - Ahmad-Kassem A.
AU - Bobineau C.
AU - Collet C.
AU - Dublé E.
AU - Grumbach S.
AU - Ma F.
AU - Martinez L.
AU - Ubéda S.
PY - 2012
SP - 147
EP - 152
DO - 10.5220/0004111301470152