Didactic Speech Synthesizer: Acoustic Module - Formants Model
João Paulo Teixeira, Anildo P. Fernandes
Text-to-speech synthesis is the main subject treated in this work. It will be presented the constitution of a generic text-to-speech system conversion, explained the functions of the various modules and described the development techniques using the formants model. The development of a didactic formant synthesiser under Matlab environment will also be described. This didactic synthesiser is intended for a didactic understanding of the formant model of speech production.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Paulo Teixeira J. and P. Fernandes A. (2013). Didactic Speech Synthesizer: Acoustic Module - Formants Model . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing - Volume 1: BIOSIGNALS, (BIOSTEC 2013) ISBN 978-989-8565-36-5, pages 356-359. DOI: 10.5220/0004249603560359
in Bibtex Style
author={João Paulo Teixeira and Anildo P. Fernandes},
title={Didactic Speech Synthesizer: Acoustic Module - Formants Model},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing - Volume 1: BIOSIGNALS, (BIOSTEC 2013)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing - Volume 1: BIOSIGNALS, (BIOSTEC 2013)
TI - Didactic Speech Synthesizer: Acoustic Module - Formants Model
SN - 978-989-8565-36-5
AU - Paulo Teixeira J.
AU - P. Fernandes A.
PY - 2013
SP - 356
EP - 359
DO - 10.5220/0004249603560359