Tyre Footprint Reconstruction in the Vehicle Axle Weight-in-Motion Measurement by Fibre-optic Sensors
Alexander Grakovski, Alexey Pilipovecs, Igor Kabashkin, Elmars Petersons
The problem of measuring road vehicle’s weight-in-motion (WIM) is important for overload enforcement, road maintenance planning and cargo fleet managing, control of the legal use of the transport infrastructure, road surface protection from the early destruction and for the safety on the roads. The fibre-optic sensors (FOS) functionality is based on the changes in the parameters of the optical signal due to the deformation of the optical fibre under the weight of the crossing vehicle. A fibre-optic sensor responds to the deformation, therefore for WIM measurements it is necessary to estimate the impact area of a wheel on the working surface of the sensor called tyre footprint. This information is used further for the estimation of the vehicle wheel or axle weight while in motion. Recorded signals from a truck passing over a group of FOS with various speeds and known weight are used as an input data. The results of the several laboratory and field experiments with FOS, e.g. load characteristics according to the temperature, contact surface width and loading speed impact, are provided here. The examples of the estimation of a truck tyre surface footprint using FOS signals are discussed in this article.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Grakovski A., Pilipovecs A., Kabashkin I. and Petersons E. (2013). Tyre Footprint Reconstruction in the Vehicle Axle Weight-in-Motion Measurement by Fibre-optic Sensors . In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - Volume 1: IVC&ITS, (ICINCO 2013) ISBN 978-989-8565-70-9, pages 527-536. DOI: 10.5220/0004620905270536
in Bibtex Style
author={Alexander Grakovski and Alexey Pilipovecs and Igor Kabashkin and Elmars Petersons},
title={Tyre Footprint Reconstruction in the Vehicle Axle Weight-in-Motion Measurement by Fibre-optic Sensors},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - Volume 1: IVC&ITS, (ICINCO 2013)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - Volume 1: IVC&ITS, (ICINCO 2013)
TI - Tyre Footprint Reconstruction in the Vehicle Axle Weight-in-Motion Measurement by Fibre-optic Sensors
SN - 978-989-8565-70-9
AU - Grakovski A.
AU - Pilipovecs A.
AU - Kabashkin I.
AU - Petersons E.
PY - 2013
SP - 527
EP - 536
DO - 10.5220/0004620905270536