Ivan Ganchev, Ivan Ganchev, Máirtín O'Droma, Nikola Nikolov, Nikola Nikolov, Zhanlin Ji, Zhanlin Ji



This paper describes the design and development of a novel cloud-based system for increased service contextualization in future wireless networks. The principal objective is the support of mobile users (consumers) in a Ubiquitous Consumer Wireless World (UCWW) seeking to choose and select the ‘best’ service instance in a UCWW environment matched to their dynamic contextualized and personalized service delivery requirements and expectations, thereby increasing user freedom in where, when and how they access desired services, and increasing user-driven networking. The design challenges to create such a cloud-based system with an ever-enhanced capacity to be attuned to a user-client’s dynamic contexts, and do this for all its users, are addressed, and software infrastructural design solutions suggested. The cloud idea proposed here is one which should yield efficiencies and saving for consumers, operate as an additional ‘behind-the-scenes’ decision support subsystem to make smart decisions based on mining of the most up-to-date data stored in the cloud repositories related to service contexts and personalized profiles. Rather than the use of known efficient heuristic methods employed with large and complex data structures, together with associated algorithms solving the combinatorial optimization problems, an alternative method, proposed here for making predictions, is to discover patterns in the behaviour of the individual clientconsumer, to bring into play, in the decision process, patterns and trends of other client-consumers seeking the same or similar services, and also the constant update of the user’s wireless environment context through information garnered from other sources, such as wireless access service provider updates, teleservice provider updates, and data sensed by the sensors in the environment. Indentifying and addressing the need as directly as this is a novel approach towards providing context-aware personalized services. It is particularly novel, and desirable, in the UCWW context. Hence, this consumer supportive smart repository solution may appropriately be called a UCWW cloud. The paper sets out an infrastructural design of this cloud, ordered within a conceptual UCWW software architecture, together with its various elements, e.g., decision support subsystem and mobile network environment elements of personalized information retrieval (PIR).


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Ganchev I., Ganchev I., O'Droma M., Nikolov N., Nikolov N., Ji Z. and Ji Z. (2013). A UCWW CLOUD-BASED SYSTEM FOR INCREASED SERVICE CONTEXTUALIZATION IN FUTURE WIRELESS NETWORKS . In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing - Volume 1: ICTRS, ISBN 978-989-8565-57-0, pages 69-78. DOI: 10.5220/0004785500690078

in Bibtex Style

author={Ivan Ganchev and Ivan Ganchev and Máirtín O'Droma and Nikola Nikolov and Nikola Nikolov and Zhanlin Ji and Zhanlin Ji},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing - Volume 1: ICTRS,},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing - Volume 1: ICTRS,
SN - 978-989-8565-57-0
AU - Ganchev I.
AU - Ganchev I.
AU - O'Droma M.
AU - Nikolov N.
AU - Nikolov N.
AU - Ji Z.
AU - Ji Z.
PY - 2013
SP - 69
EP - 78
DO - 10.5220/0004785500690078