The Present and Future of Dynamic e-Health Interoperability in Switzerland - Results of an Online Questionnaire

Visara Urovi, Michael I. Schumacher



The research in the medical health care systems is shifting towards solutions that enable dynamic data exchange. To achieve this shift, interoperable solutions have been proposed by initiatives such as the integrating Healthcare Enterprise (IHE). IHE focuses on defining interoperable solution by specifying recommendations that foster standard based integration between healthcare systems. Using the results of an online questionnaire, in this work we study the current use of standards in the health care systems of Switzerland. The questionnaire identifies four dynamic data exchange scenarios that enhance the interoperability and the integration between different healthcare systems. The novelty of this work is that the identified scenarios are currently not addressed by the IHE recommendations and, they can improve the current interoperability solutions. The questionnaire confirms that those scenarios are useful and we suggest some technical solutions that may help to achieve them.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Urovi V. and I. Schumacher M. (2014). The Present and Future of Dynamic e-Health Interoperability in Switzerland - Results of an Online Questionnaire . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics - Volume 1: HEALTHINF, (BIOSTEC 2014) ISBN 978-989-758-010-9, pages 244-249. DOI: 10.5220/0004748902440249

in Bibtex Style

author={Visara Urovi and Michael I. Schumacher},
title={The Present and Future of Dynamic e-Health Interoperability in Switzerland - Results of an Online Questionnaire},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics - Volume 1: HEALTHINF, (BIOSTEC 2014)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics - Volume 1: HEALTHINF, (BIOSTEC 2014)
TI - The Present and Future of Dynamic e-Health Interoperability in Switzerland - Results of an Online Questionnaire
SN - 978-989-758-010-9
AU - Urovi V.
AU - I. Schumacher M.
PY - 2014
SP - 244
EP - 249
DO - 10.5220/0004748902440249