Overview of the PhD Project: Agile Control Architecture for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems - Bringing Flexible Manufacturing to the Next Level

Daniël Telgen, Erik Puik, Leo van Moergestel, John-Jules Meyer



Agile Manufacturing is a paradigm that creates a shorter time to market in the manufacturing industry. In this project a hybrid architecture using Robot Operating Nodes and Multi Agent Systems is developed that is used to create flexible manufacturing systems where all systems are autonomous. In this system both products and manufacturing systems have an agent that represents and controls the hardware. The research problems focuses on several aspects of this project, including a quick overview of the hybrid architecture that has been developed and several problems that will need to be researched in the project. These problems include ways to automatically generate control instructions on the machines based on a products demand, safety aspects of reconfigurable machines and practical problems like scheduling. Related work is discussed to show that the current work is state of the art and that the agent approach for this research is valid. The impact of this project is to enable the use of agent technology in the manufacturing industry and to research & develop a proof of concept system that can be used for experimental research and test by industry.


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  4. Järvenpää, E. and Torvinen, S. (2013). Capability-based approach for evaluating the impact of product requirement changes on the production system. In Azevedo, A., editor, Advances in Sustainable and Competitive Manufacturing Systems, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pages 173-185. Springer International Publishing.
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  8. Puik, E., Telgen, D., Moergestel, L., and Ceglarek, D. (2013). Structured analysis of reconfigurable manufacturing systems. In Azevedo, A., editor, Advances in Sustainable and Competitive Manufacturing Systems, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pages 147- 157. Springer International Publishing.
  9. Puik, E., van Moergestel, L., and Telgen, D. (2011). Cost modelling for micro manufacturing logistics when using a grid of equiplets. In Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, pages 1-4.
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  11. Telgen, D., van Moergestel, L., Puik, E., Muller, P., and Meyer, J.-J. (2013a). Requirements and matching software technologies for sustainable and agile manufacturing systems. In INTELLI 2013, The Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications, pages 30-35.
  12. Telgen, D., van Moergestel, L., Puik, E., van Zanten, A., Abdulamir, A., and Meyer, J.-J. (2013b). Agile product manufacturing by dynamically generating control instructions. In Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on, pages 282- 284. IEEE.
  13. van Moergestel, L., Langerak, W., Meerstra, G., van Nieuwenburg, N., Pape, F., Telgen, D., Puik, E., and Meyer, J.-J. (2013). Agents in domestic environments. In Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), 2013 19th International Conference on, pages 487- 494. IEEE.
  14. van Moergestel, L., Puik, E., Telgen, D., and Meyer, J.-J. (2012). Production scheduling in an agile agent-based production grid. In Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on, volume 2, pages 293- 298.

Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Telgen D., Puik E., van Moergestel L. and Meyer J. (2014). Overview of the PhD Project: Agile Control Architecture for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems - Bringing Flexible Manufacturing to the Next Level . In Doctoral Consortium - DCAART, (ICAART 2014) ISBN Not Available, pages 31-36

in Bibtex Style

author={Daniël Telgen and Erik Puik and Leo van Moergestel and John-Jules Meyer},
title={Overview of the PhD Project: Agile Control Architecture for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems - Bringing Flexible Manufacturing to the Next Level},
booktitle={Doctoral Consortium - DCAART, (ICAART 2014)},
isbn={Not Available},

in EndNote Style

JO - Doctoral Consortium - DCAART, (ICAART 2014)
TI - Overview of the PhD Project: Agile Control Architecture for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems - Bringing Flexible Manufacturing to the Next Level
SN - Not Available
AU - Telgen D.
AU - Puik E.
AU - van Moergestel L.
AU - Meyer J.
PY - 2014
SP - 31
EP - 36
DO -