Using Technical-Action-Research to Validate a Framework for Authoring Software Engineering Methods
Miguel Morales-Trujillo, Hanna Oktaba, Mario Piattini
The validation of proposals has become a fundamental part of the creation of knowledge in Software Engineering. Initiatives like SEMAT have highlighted the need to base the correctness, usefulness and applicability of Software Engineering theories and practices on solid evidence. This paper presents the validation process used for KUALI-BEH, a proposal that became part of an OMG standard. The validation strategy applied was the result of integrating Technical-Action-Research and Case Study methods. After three years of work, we can conclude that TAR is a valuable research method, emphasizing that the main advantages of Technical-Action-Research are continuous feedback and the validation of an artifact, in this case KUALI-BEH, in a real context.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Morales-Trujillo M., Oktaba H. and Piattini M. (2015). Using Technical-Action-Research to Validate a Framework for Authoring Software Engineering Methods . In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS, ISBN 978-989-758-097-0, pages 15-27. DOI: 10.5220/0005338800150027
in Bibtex Style
author={Miguel Morales-Trujillo and Hanna Oktaba and Mario Piattini},
title={Using Technical-Action-Research to Validate a Framework for Authoring Software Engineering Methods},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS,
TI - Using Technical-Action-Research to Validate a Framework for Authoring Software Engineering Methods
SN - 978-989-758-097-0
AU - Morales-Trujillo M.
AU - Oktaba H.
AU - Piattini M.
PY - 2015
SP - 15
EP - 27
DO - 10.5220/0005338800150027