Agent based Modeling Simulation for Land Use Change and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Land Management Policies
Armando Sánchez Vargas, Carlos Gay Garcia, Debora Martínez Ventura, Ana Liz Herrera Merino, Bernardo A. Bastien Olvera
This study shows the Simulation of an Agent Based Model for Land Use Change (SIMBACUS) developed on the Netlogo platform (Wilensky, 1999) for the period of 2010-2030. The model studies the interaction of individual behavior with environmental characteristics considering socioeconomic, demographic, climate and public policy aspects of Pachuca de Soto (Hidalgo). The simulation’s dynamism is based on population growth and the Cobb-Douglas utility function, which determines the optimal decisions of individuals. The results indicate that in 2030 the municipality would have 303,773 inhabitants, the urban area would grow to 21 km2 and the implementation of a land management program would have a positive impact on social welfare and the permanence of natural resources.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Vargas A., Garcia C., Ventura D., Merino A. and Olvera B. (2016). Agent based Modeling Simulation for Land Use Change and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Land Management Policies . In - MSCCES, (SIMULTECH 2016) ISBN , pages 0-0. DOI: 10.5220/0006017203680375
in Bibtex Style
author={Armando Sánchez Vargas and Carlos Gay Garcia and Debora Martínez Ventura and Ana Liz Herrera Merino and Bernardo A. Bastien Olvera},
title={Agent based Modeling Simulation for Land Use Change and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Land Management Policies},
booktitle={ - MSCCES, (SIMULTECH 2016)},
in EndNote Style
TI - Agent based Modeling Simulation for Land Use Change and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Land Management Policies
SN -
AU - Vargas A.
AU - Garcia C.
AU - Ventura D.
AU - Merino A.
AU - Olvera B.
PY - 2016
SP - 0
EP - 0
DO - 10.5220/0006017203680375