Comparison between Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning Style of Student Atheletes in Achieving Grade Point Average
Ucu Hidayat, Sopyan Rizki Haryadi, Rohmat Rohmat, Rio Akbar Bahari, Berliana Berliana
The purpose of this study was to determine the learning style which is more influential between auditory and kinesthetic towards achieving cumulative grade on the student athletes. Method used that is descriptive method with case study approach. Samples in this study amounted to 50 student’s athletes consisting of various sports in Sport Education program. The instrument used to measure the student's learning style teaching style questionnaire athletes use student athletes who have tested the validity and reliability to student’s athlete Pelatda PON West Java, 2016. Furthermore, to measure learning outcomes seen from the achievement of the GPA shows that the value of F count equal to 2,818 with significant value 0.083 greater than the probability of 0:05 it is proven that there is significant influence between auditory and kinesthetic towards GPA. Further correlation coefficient product moment (rx1x2y) between auditory learning styles (x1) with GPA. The product moment correlation coefficient (rx1x2y) between kinesthetic (x2) and Ipk (y) is 0.419 with p 0.05 indicating that there is a significant correlation between kinetetic learning styles with GPA.
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in Harvard Style
Hidayat U., Haryadi S., Rohmat R., Bahari R. and Berliana B. (2017). Comparison between Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning Style of Student Atheletes in Achieving Grade Point Average.In 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education - Volume 2: ICSSHPE, ISBN 978-989-758-317-9, pages 30-33. DOI: 10.5220/0007065205490552
in Bibtex Style
author={Ucu Hidayat and Sopyan Rizki Haryadi and Rohmat Rohmat and Rio Akbar Bahari and Berliana Berliana},
title={Comparison between Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning Style of Student Atheletes in Achieving Grade Point Average},
booktitle={2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education - Volume 2: ICSSHPE,},
in EndNote Style
JO - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education - Volume 2: ICSSHPE,
TI - Comparison between Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning Style of Student Atheletes in Achieving Grade Point Average
SN - 978-989-758-317-9
AU - Hidayat U.
AU - Haryadi S.
AU - Rohmat R.
AU - Bahari R.
AU - Berliana B.
PY - 2017
SP - 30
EP - 33
DO - 10.5220/0007065205490552