The Role of Graphic Design Elements and Cloud Computing in Designing Online Learning Media based on Moodle CSM
Makmum Raharjo, Suriani, Diana Nomida Musnir
The main objective of this research is to develop the model and implement and determine the role of graphic design and cloud computing in planning online learning media based on Moodle CSM. This collaboration produced an application that allowed students and instructors to have a "digital classroom" in the form of a learning web. The methodology used in this study is a development model that is equipped with product testing and verification that is appropriate to the problem and learning objectives. The results of the Feasibility Evaluation of the Final Model from the Intensive Design Expert obtained a percentage of 84% while the Results of the Feasibility Assessment Final Model Graphic Media Experts obtained a percentage of 80% so that the assessment of experts on the feasibility of the model was 80%. While the assessment of the effectiveness of the model when applied to the System in General is 82.88%. for Learning Content at 85.06%. Learning Channel is 83.24%. Learning Place is 82.79%. Learning Time is 85.29%. Learning Stage is 84.82%. And Teacher Role is 83.68%. So that the overall recapitulation of the effectiveness of this model is 84% and is declared very effective.
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in Harvard Style
Raharjo M., Musnir D. and Suriani. (2019). The Role of Graphic Design Elements and Cloud Computing in Designing Online Learning Media based on Moodle CSM.In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society - Volume 1: ICELS, ISBN 978-989-758-405-3, pages 289-298. DOI: 10.5220/0008997902890298
in Bibtex Style
author={Makmum Raharjo and Diana Nomida Musnir and Suriani},
title={The Role of Graphic Design Elements and Cloud Computing in Designing Online Learning Media based on Moodle CSM},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society - Volume 1: ICELS,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society - Volume 1: ICELS,
TI - The Role of Graphic Design Elements and Cloud Computing in Designing Online Learning Media based on Moodle CSM
SN - 978-989-758-405-3
AU - Raharjo M.
AU - Musnir D.
AU - Suriani.
PY - 2019
SP - 289
EP - 298
DO - 10.5220/0008997902890298