Analysis of Determinants Human Development Index in ASEAN Countries
Khubbi Abdillah, Alfin Maulana, Aminatuzzuhro
The Human Development Index (HDI) is an important variable in improving people’s quality of life, measured by the level of education, health, and income per capita. This research considers aspects of economic variables, such as foreign direct investment (FDI), unemployment, and economic growth, with the aim of analyzing the determinants of HDI in 11 ASEAN countries from 2018 to 2021. The analysis technique of this study uses panel data regression with the help of eviews software version 12. The results of the study concluded that economic growth, FDI have a significant positive effect on HDI. while the unemployment rate has no significant effect on HDI. The policy recommendation in this study is that the government should increase employment opportunities by opening new jobs through foreign direct investment, which will increase GDP and subsequently improve HDI.
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in Harvard Style
Abdillah K., Maulana A. and Aminatuzzuhro. (2023). Analysis of Determinants Human Development Index in ASEAN Countries. In Proceedings of the 2nd Maritime, Economics and Business International Conference - Volume 1: MEBIC; ISBN 978-989-758-704-7, SciTePress, pages 142-146. DOI: 10.5220/0012649100003798
in Bibtex Style
author={Khubbi Abdillah and Alfin Maulana and Aminatuzzuhro},
title={Analysis of Determinants Human Development Index in ASEAN Countries},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2nd Maritime, Economics and Business International Conference - Volume 1: MEBIC},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 2nd Maritime, Economics and Business International Conference - Volume 1: MEBIC
TI - Analysis of Determinants Human Development Index in ASEAN Countries
SN - 978-989-758-704-7
AU - Abdillah K.
AU - Maulana A.
AU - Aminatuzzuhro.
PY - 2023
SP - 142
EP - 146
DO - 10.5220/0012649100003798
PB - SciTePress