Coordinated Self-Exploration for Self-Adaptive Systems in Contested Environments

Saad Sajid Hashmi, Hoa Khanh Dam, Alan Colman, Anton V. Uzunov, Quoc Bao Vo, Mohan Baruwal Chhetri, James Dorevski



Enhancing the resilience and flexibility of distributed software systems is critical in challenging environments where adversaries can actively undermine performance and system operations. One approach for achieving resilience is to employ collections of intelligent software agents that can autonomously execute management actions and adapt a target system according to pre-defined goals, thereby realising various self-* properties. Self-exploration is one such self-* property, relating to a system’s ability to compute resilient responses through an adversarial game-tree search process that takes into account an adversary’s action-effects on goals. Unlike the current realisation of self-exploration that assumes goal independence, we propose a novel approach that addresses goal inter-dependencies through agent coordination, ensuring more realistic and effective counter-responses. We provide a correctness proof and evaluate the performance of our algorithm.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Hashmi S., Dam H., Colman A., Uzunov A., Vo Q., Baruwal Chhetri M. and Dorevski J. (2025). Coordinated Self-Exploration for Self-Adaptive Systems in Contested Environments. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART; ISBN 978-989-758-737-5, SciTePress, pages 318-332. DOI: 10.5220/0013140900003890

in Bibtex Style

author={Saad Hashmi and Hoa Dam and Alan Colman and Anton Uzunov and Quoc Vo and Mohan Baruwal Chhetri and James Dorevski},
title={Coordinated Self-Exploration for Self-Adaptive Systems in Contested Environments},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART
TI - Coordinated Self-Exploration for Self-Adaptive Systems in Contested Environments
SN - 978-989-758-737-5
AU - Hashmi S.
AU - Dam H.
AU - Colman A.
AU - Uzunov A.
AU - Vo Q.
AU - Baruwal Chhetri M.
AU - Dorevski J.
PY - 2025
SP - 318
EP - 332
DO - 10.5220/0013140900003890
PB - SciTePress