Unveiling Breast Cancer Causes Through Knowledge Graph Analysis and BioBERT-Based Factuality Prediction

Hasna El Haji, Nada Sbihi, Kaoutar El Handri, Kaoutar El Handri, Adil Bahaj, Mohammed Elkasri, Amine Souadka, Mounir Ghogho



Worldwide, millions of women are affected by breast cancer, with the impact significantly worsened in under-served regions. The profound effect of breast cancer on women’s health has driven research into its causes, with the aim of developing methods for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease. The significant influx of research on this subject is overwhelming and makes manual exploration arduous, which motivates automated knowledge exploration approaches. Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are one of these approaches that attracted significant attention in the last few years for their ability to structure and present knowledge, making it easier to explore and analyze. Current KGs that include causes of breast cancer are deficient in contextual information, highlighting the uncertainty of these causes (facts). In this work, we present a method for extracting a sub-graph of breast cancer causes and fine-tuning BioBERT to evaluate the uncertainty of these causes. Our automated approach, which simulates human annotation, computes uncertainty scores based on textual factuality and assesses cause reliability using a Closeness Score. We also create a web-based application for easy explorationa.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

El Haji H., Sbihi N., El Handri K., Bahaj A., Elkasri M., Souadka A. and Ghogho M. (2025). Unveiling Breast Cancer Causes Through Knowledge Graph Analysis and BioBERT-Based Factuality Prediction. In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 2: HEALTHINF; ISBN 978-989-758-731-3, SciTePress, pages 141-148. DOI: 10.5220/0013179700003911

in Bibtex Style

author={Hasna El Haji and Nada Sbihi and Kaoutar El Handri and Adil Bahaj and Mohammed Elkasri and Amine Souadka and Mounir Ghogho},
title={Unveiling Breast Cancer Causes Through Knowledge Graph Analysis and BioBERT-Based Factuality Prediction},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 2: HEALTHINF},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 2: HEALTHINF
TI - Unveiling Breast Cancer Causes Through Knowledge Graph Analysis and BioBERT-Based Factuality Prediction
SN - 978-989-758-731-3
AU - El Haji H.
AU - Sbihi N.
AU - El Handri K.
AU - Bahaj A.
AU - Elkasri M.
AU - Souadka A.
AU - Ghogho M.
PY - 2025
SP - 141
EP - 148
DO - 10.5220/0013179700003911
PB - SciTePress