Optimized Scheduling for Electric Vehicle Charging: A Multi-Objective Approach to Grid Stability and User Satisfaction

Aimen Khiar, Aimen Khiar, Mohamed-el-Amine Brahmia, Ammar Oulamara, Lhassane Idoumghar



The transition to electric mobility offers substantial environmental benefits but also introduces significant challenges, particularly in managing the high demand for electric vehicle (EV) charging. This demand creates the need for intelligent scheduling to optimize charging station resources and maintain grid stability. In order to address this purpose, we propose a multi-objective scheduling model designed to both minimize peak energy consumption and maximize user satisfaction by reducing waiting times at charging stations. Our model accurately represents real-world scenarios, including sequential charger usage, vehicle-to-charger compatibility, and limited availability of various charger types, each providing a constant power output. Given the complexity of the problem, we adapt and evaluate two metaheuristic algorithms: the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) and the Multi-Objective Cuckoo Search (MOCS), to approximate optimal solutions. The results show that the proposed MOCS adaptation surpasses that of NSGA-II in terms of dominance and achieving a well-distributed Pareto front approximation in a reasonable time frame. The proposed approach thus provides a powerful framework for efficient EV charging management, balancing user needs with grid stability and highlighting its strong potential for adoption in large-scale charging infrastructures.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Khiar A., Brahmia M., Oulamara A. and Idoumghar L. (2025). Optimized Scheduling for Electric Vehicle Charging: A Multi-Objective Approach to Grid Stability and User Satisfaction. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems - Volume 1: ICORES; ISBN 978-989-758-732-0, SciTePress, pages 146-155. DOI: 10.5220/0013236400003893

in Bibtex Style

author={Aimen Khiar and Mohamed-el-Amine Brahmia and Ammar Oulamara and Lhassane Idoumghar},
title={Optimized Scheduling for Electric Vehicle Charging: A Multi-Objective Approach to Grid Stability and User Satisfaction},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems - Volume 1: ICORES},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems - Volume 1: ICORES
TI - Optimized Scheduling for Electric Vehicle Charging: A Multi-Objective Approach to Grid Stability and User Satisfaction
SN - 978-989-758-732-0
AU - Khiar A.
AU - Brahmia M.
AU - Oulamara A.
AU - Idoumghar L.
PY - 2025
SP - 146
EP - 155
DO - 10.5220/0013236400003893
PB - SciTePress